Principles - Focus North


The principle focus of this programme is to create a good communications tool.

Focusing on sustainable jobs (lasting longer than 5 years) the most likely areas to create those jobs are contained in the programme under the Major Projects. Which in turn are supported by Key Enabling Activities


The acronym ‘RASCI’ is utilised as it clarifies the roles and responsibilities of those working and supporting a project to help ensure success:

  • Responsible – persons/organisations responsible for doing/controlling the activity/work
  • Accountable – the one person/organisation who is responsible for task completion.
  • Support – resources allocated to those who are responsible, enabling task completion
  • Consulted – those whose opinion is sought, typically subject matter experts/Regulators so there is a two way conversation.
  • Informed – those who need to be kept up to date on the progress of the task.

All of the above are connected:

  • People/organisations can move between the R-A-S-C-I boxes dependent upon the stage of the project/process
  • Everyone should focus on supporting the person in the R and ultimately A boxes; there can be only one “boss”
  • The link between the R/A boxes and the S box needs to be strong to ensure the project runs smoothly
  • Everyone wants to be Consulted, but in reality, most people are Informed
  • Those who really need to be Consulted need to be engaged regularly to prevent unwanted obstacles as the project progresses


The programme must be easily understood/simple to maintain/provide clarity on scopes, schedules, resource and budgetary requirements.

Provide target job numbers, contain sufficient information where performance can be measured.

Provide clarity on how partners and stakeholders support the work being undertaken using RASCI principles.


  • Plans/scopes are owned by the person/organisation accountable for delivering the work.
  • Upkeep of the plans, scopes, reports and job details is the responsibility of the nominated CNSRP support person.